STOP!! Don’t throw your old tangled and matted lace wig in the trash! Even though you may have purchased a premium quality wig, at some point the hair will begin to show signs of wear. In the past, we restored our wigs using the "Bleach Bath" method.
Through trial and error, we found the perfect recipe that works for us. We call it the "Bleach Bath Recipe." The Bleach Bath recipe can be used on curly, straight or wavy hair, any length, density or color. Our Bleach Bath recipe is a little different than other methods you may have seen.
We have tried and tested our recipe numerous times using various wigs. We perfected our recipe and it works every time and for others. Our recipe takes about 20 minutes, it is easy to follow and best of all, it works! If you follow the recipe, the bath should restore the hairs in your lace wig.
Our hope is that you will be surprised at the beauty and manageability of the hair after the bath since you knew the condition of the hair before the bath. You have nothing to lose especially if you are not wearing the wig for one reason or the other or you put it away because.... If you are not wearing your wig because it tangles and mats, then consider our "Bleach Bath" recipe. You have nothing to lose.

Before You Start
You will need the following supplies:
Note: Please read the recipe to become familiar with the process before you start the bath. Our recipe was used on our premium quality virgin Remy hair.
Double sink/Dish size basins
Two gallons of hot tap water
1/4 cup of bleach
1/4 cup of ammonia
Wide-tooth comb or Vent brush
Measuring cup
Rubber gloves
Deep Conditioner (optional hair oil)
Styrofoam head or mannequin head with T-pins
Leave-in conditioner and Styling products of choice
Detangle the Hair
Use a wide-tooth comb or vent brush to remove the tangles and matting from the hair. The hair may appear to look as if it was shocked by electricity. Do not be concerned, the bleach bath will smooth out the hair.
Optional: (1) Use a hair detangler product, if you have it on hand. (2) This recipe can be used to restore two wigs. If you are going to restore two wigs, a good time to start the second wig is after you have rinsed the bleach from the first wig.
Prepare the Bleach Bath Water
1. Put on your gloves to protect your hands from the bleach and later, the ammonia.
2. Fill the basin or sink with one-gallon hot water (as hot as you can stand).
3. Pour a 1/4 cup of bleach (any brand) into the water and mix.
4. Set your timer for 3 minutes. (Yes, we use 3 minutes up to 5 minutes depending on the length and density of the hair.)
5. Submerge the wig into the bleach bath water for 3 minutes keeping the hair flowing in the same direction.
6. Hold the wig by the crown, and during the 3 minutes, gently comb or brush through the hair to remove tangles and smooth the hair. The comb or vent brush should eventually glide through the hair. If the hair is still tangled, continue to dip and comb through, but no longer than 5 minutes. However, if you feel you need just a little more time because you are so close to removing the tangles, then by all means, complete combing out the wig hair quickly. We have never stayed in the bleach bath process for more than 6 minutes. Minutes tick by quickly, please set your timer.

Do not let your wig stay in the bleach bath for more than 5 minutes.
9. Rinse the bleach out of the wig by placing it under running lukewarm water. DO NOT shampoo the hair. RINSE ONLY!
10. Comb the hair in one direction from root to tip while rinsing. The hair should be tangle free as the comb or brush glides through the hair.
11. Place the wig on a towel while you prepare the ammonia bath water. If bathing two wigs, this is also a good time to start your second wig.
Note: If you used the sink or basin for the bleach bath, then you need to clean it thoroughly to remove all traces of bleach before preparing the ammonia bath.
Prepare the Ammonia Bath Water
1. Fill the sink or basin using the hottest water you can stand.
2. Pour a 1/4 cup of ammonia (any brand) into the water and mix.
3. Set your timer for 3 minutes.
4. Submerge the wig into the ammonia bath water for 3 minutes keeping the hair flowing in the same direction.
5. Hold the wig by the crown, then gently comb or brush through the hair starting at the root to tip.
Note: At this point in the process, the hair should feel smoother and much less tangled.
6. Rinse the ammonia out of the wig by placing it under running lukewarm water after the three minutes are up.
7. Shampoo the wig using your regular shampoo.
8. Deep condition your wig using your favorite conditioners and oils. (We make our deep condition by mixing 1 tablespoon from two or three of our favorite deep conditioners, one hair oil and mix together in a bowl. Spread the mixture over the hair. Comb through to saturate the hair.)
Tip: You can also tuck all of the hair inside the cap. Give it a few gentle squeezes to help saturate the hair. For an even deeper conditioner treatment, you can also place your wig in a plastic bag and microwave for one minute, then let it rest as it cools.
9. Leave on 15 minutes or longer if you have the time.
10. Rinse and towel dry.
Finishing Touch
1. Place the wig on a styrofoam or mannequin head. (T-pins)
2. Comb through the hair.
3. Apply a leave-in conditioner, moisturizer or any styling products you normally use.
4. Air dry. We do not recommend blow drying at this time.
After the hair dries, you know what to do. Have fun, style and go. We hope this recipe will help you to restore and renew your wig for it's next life of fabulous hairdos.

DISCLAIMER: Use the "Bleach Bath" recipe at your own risk. Divas Lace Wigs has used this Bleach Bath recipe numerous times with a very positive results. We give no guarantee, warranty, accept no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or the completeness of the information contained in this article. Under no circumstances will Divas Lace Wigs be held responsible or liable in any way for any claims, damages, loss, expenses, costs or liabilities whatsoever (including) without limitation, any direct or indirect damages for any person who used this recipe to revitalize a wig or hair system and the process failed or did not turn out as expected.
Divas Lace Wigs provides a full range of ready-to-wear premium quality wigs, toupees and hair systems for women, men and children in various lengths, colors and hair textures and more. If you are looking for a high-quality Virgin Remy hair system with a great price, contact Divas Lace Wigs via phone, email or website. We are definitely your best choice!